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I look outside at the quite dismal gray skies, on this Saturday morning, and really wanted it to be sunny. A bright day to get out and walk. However, I could see the clouds and the damp porch deck. I checked the weather app on my phone and it promised some more rain. While I was deciding I was disappointed, I suddenly had this picture of the old Admiral in the first Mary Poppins , who sat on his roof in her neighborhood and checked the sky with his spy glass. “Storm’s abrewin” he would bellow out, or “wind is changing!”

Laughing, I realized that I was caught in the wrong attitude of the day that He had made. I did not have to see the day through the wrong looking glass, I felt like a little gray cloud that suddenly realized I needed to change my atmosphere with an attitude of thankfulness! “Hey, good day is a brewing!”

“This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.”